Wednesday, November 07, 2012

extra credit event next Tuesday pm Fwd: "Healthcare as a Right," two November lectures, Agnes Scott College

Lecture Title: “Is There a Right to Health? What is it a Right to?”
 There are strong grounds for a right to health and health care based on the protection of fair equality of opportunity. The right entails fairly general preventive interventions, both at a population and individual level, as well as curative, and rehabilitative services. Exactly what the health care entitlements are, given technological and resource constraints, is best spelled out through a fair, deliberative process. 
Norman Daniels, Ph.D, is Mary B Saltonstall Profesor and Professor of Ethics and Population Health at Harvard School of Public Health. His recent books include Just Health (Cambridge 2008) and a second edition of Setting Limits Fairly (with James Sabin) (Oxford, 2008). His work is on aspects of justice and health policy – e.g., disparities, priority setting, access to care, global health, foundations for a right to health or health care.

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Two events in the Agnes Scott College ethics program “Healthcare as a Right” speaker series are scheduled for November.  
Norman Daniels will speak on November 13, Ani Satz on November 27. (See attached flyer for details; I’ve also attached a map.)
Please share this flyer with colleagues and students who might be interested.

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