Saturday, September 18, 2010

Monday, Essay 1 is due in class, in harcopy with the Turnitin receipt AND submitted via Turnitin online.

Readings for this week:

MONDAY: We will discuss the theoretical aspect of this chapter, i.e., the moral theory known as "cultural relativism":
5. Ch. 2, "The Challenge of Cultural Relativism" (Elements)

Wednesday we will discuss Female Genital Mutilation; in addition to EMP, please read this article online:

6. “What’s Culture Got to Do with it? Excising the Harmful Tradition of Female Circumcision,” Harvard Law Review,

Friday, OPS due of these readings from RTD; please identify the main issues from each article, and submit 1 OPS containing all three articles:

7. "Monogamy: A Critique," John McMurtry (RTD, #28) [This goes with the brief discussion of polyamory on pp. 29-30 of Elements; the readings below also concern sexual ethics.]

8. "Our Sexual Ethics," Bertrand Russell (RTD, #29)

9. "Alcohol and Rape," Nicholas Dixon (RTD, #30)