Friday, August 31, 2012

Counter example (to a generalization)
  • All A’s are B.
  • If X is an A then X is a B.
  • Any X that’s an A is a B.
A counter example: An A that is not a B!
= An exception to the proposed “rule.”
A moral theory = attempts to explain what it is for an action to be wrong (impermissible), obligatory and/or permissible.
            An action is wrong = ____________________.
Actions or character traits that YOU think  most people would think are obviously wrong or bad: specific, vivid and extreme examples are best! J
Actions or character traits that YOU think  most people would think are obviously not wrong/ MP (morally permissible) obligatory or otherwise good: specific, vivid and extreme examples are best! J

Why think that?
What do you mean?
An argument =           Set of premises that are said to support a conclusion
Logically valid = the premises logically lead to the conclusion; there’s a chain of reasoning from the premises to the conclusion: IF the premises are or were true, then the conclusion would be true.
Sound argument = (a) logically valid argument with (b) true premises.
What do you mean?
Morally permissible = not wrong = ok to do
Morally obligatory = wrong to NOT do it = gotta do it

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