Friday, November 21, 2014

Final Reading and Writing Assignments

Final Reading Assignments
Please read the Elements of Moral Philosophy chapters on

Ethical Egoism (and poverty) and
two chapters on Utilitarianism (euthanasia, drug use, treatment of animals).

Please read "The Singer Solution to World Poverty," from the NY Times, and in The Right Thing to Do, and/or "Famine, Affluence and Morality"

Please read John Simmon's "Reasonable Humans and Animals" (also, here)
Please read Peter Singer's "All Animals Are Equal" (also in RTD)

And, finally, Michael Huemer's "Unjust Drug War" (also in RTD)

Final Writing Assignments

1. Final Quiz, covering all materials since last quiz. For time, see the exam schedule.

2. Philosophical Service Project - a group project. Due Sunday, December 14th at 5 PM via Turnitin. No late work accepted. Every member of the group must submit his own project.

3. An argumentative paper, either on Effective Altruism OR vegetarianism. Or both, with one for extra credit. Due Sunday, December 14th at 5 PM via Turnitin. No late work accepted.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Final Reading Assignments

Please read the Elements of Moral Philosophy chapters on

Ethical Egoism (and poverty) and
two chapters on Utilitarianism (euthanasia, drug use, treatment of animals).

Please read "The Singer Solution to World Poverty," from the NY Times, and in The Right Thing to Do, and/or "Famine, Affluence and Morality"

Please read John Simmon's "Reasonable Humans and Animals" (also, here)
Please read Peter Singer's "All Animals Are Equal" (also in RTD)

And, finally, Michael Huemer's "Unjust Drug War" (also in RTD)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Mary Anne Warren on abortion:
“On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion”;
John Locke..

If X is not a person, then X is permissible to kill or DESTROY. ???

Don Marquis:
“Why Abortion is Immoral”
  • Fetuses are not persons. But killing fetuses is PF wrong nevertheless.

It is prima facie wrong to kill me because:
  • Killing us deprives us of our valuable futures. 
Any action that deprives us of our valuable futures is prima facie wrong.
Abortion deprives fetuses of their valuable futures.
So, just like it’s wrong to kill us,
it’s wrong to kill fetuses.
Therefore, abortion is PF wrong.

Thompson: see below

Monday, November 10, 2014

Fetal Development, Consciousness & Pain

Fetal development - a chart

An article:

Scientific research suggests that fetuses lack consciousness or sentience prior to, at the earliest, 18 weeks of development and about 99% of abortions in the United States are performed well before this time, most abortions in the United States kill beings—call them early fetuses—that are yet to have minds (Benatar and Benatar, 2001, 57, 63, 75; DeGrazia, 2005, 279; McMahan, 2002, 257). 

Friday, November 07, 2014

For Monday, please read this article, "A Defense of Abortion" by Judith Thompson:

Also, in the RTD book:


Also read by this article by Dr. Nobis and a former student in Intro to Ethics:

Wednesday, November 05, 2014